In a time when, to flirt openly with someone not of one's parent's choosing could mean being ostracized, or worse, lovers devised the language of flowers to pass messages to each other. The Victorians, that most sentimental of people, took to the language of flowers with enthusiasm. Every young man and woman was aware of the implications of sending a nosegay of yellow acacia or red chrysanthemums. Making bouquets became an art as flowers were carefully chosen to compliment each other's meaning as well as their colours.

Roses in particular had meaning according to their colour and how they were arranged. Here are some of those:

Bridal Rose Happy love
Burgundy Rose Unconscious beauty
Cabbage Rose Ambassador of love
China Rose Beauty always new
Christmas Rose Relieve my anxiety
100-Leaved Rose Grace
Japan Rose Beauty is your only attraction
La France Rose Meet me by moonlight
Maiden Blush Rose If you love me you will find it out
Musk Rose Capricious beauty
Nephitos Rose Infatuation
Red Rose Love
Single Rose Simplicity
White Rose Spiritual Love, purity
Yellow Rose Friendship
Rosemary Remembrance
Tuberose Dangerous pleasures

So, next time you are buying flowers for the one you love, choose wisely. You may be saying more than you realise!